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Free Visits to the Contini Bonacossi Collection on Thursdays


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The Contini Bonacossi Art Collection is part of the Uffizi’s collections, located within an ordinary looking palazzo on via Lambertesca in front of the Georgofili Academy behind the Uffizi. It is normally closed and is completely separate from the Uffizi Gallery. Between January 17 and April 27, 2012, you can once again enjoy a free guided visit on Thursdays to the beautiful collection thanks to the work and help provided by the Uffizi Gallery’s security guards and the “Amici degli Uffizi” association that will make it possible to open the collection to the public.

The collection is deemed among the most important art collections of the 20th century. In 1969, the Italian State purchased a part of it for the Uffizi Gallery. The collection consists of about 50 works which include furnishings, ceramics, sculptures and masterpieces of European painting dating from the 14th to 18th century which include works by Andrea del Castagno, Giovanni Bellini, Girolamo Savoldo, El Greco and Zurbaran.


Thursdays at 2pm and 4:15pm (except for April 5, 2012)


Booking is required, with a maximum number of 5 persons per group.
Visits can be booked between Tuesday and Sunday at the Uffizi Gallery Info Point between 9am and 6pm or by calling +39-055 2388809.


The meeting point for visitors is at the first door on the long side of the Loggiato degli Uffizi, 15 minutes before the visit.