Easter Monday: Special Opening at the Uffizi

The Uffizi Gallery has confirmed that it will be extraordinarily open on Monday, April 1, 2024, the day after Easter Sunday. The museum will be open on Easter Sunday as well, as it generally is open on Sundays, but Mondays are the day the museum is closed. So a special opening needs to be agreed upon, particularly where holidays are concerned.
In addition to April 1st, the museum also announced its other special openings for Mondays this year: it will be also be open on April 29th, on June 24th (feast day for St. John, Patron Saint for the city of Florence) and on December 30th.
Oltre ai martedì di speciali aperture serali, ce ne saranno anche altre straordinarie in programma il lunedì, ordinariamente giorno di chiusura settimanale delle Gallerie: l’iniziativa riguarderà Uffizi e Giardino di Boboli, che saranno aperti in orario ordinario nelle date del primo e del 29 aprile, del 24 giugno (Festa di San Giovanni, Santo Patrono di Firenze) e del 30 dicembre.