
Visit the Medici Chapels

The Medici Chapels are part of the monumental complex of San Lorenzo, which includes the basilica of San Lorenzo.

The Medici Chapels are the final burial ground for the Medici family.

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At the back of the church of San Lorenzo, you'll find the dome of the Chapel of the Princes

At the back of the church of San Lorenzo, you’ll find the dome of the Chapel of the Princes

As you enter the museum, you’ll first visit the crypt in which you’ll find several of the grand dukes of Tuscany, together with their wives (lesser known members of the illustrious Medici family).

Chapel of the Princes

Chapel of the Princes

From the crypt you’ll then enter into the magnificent Chapel of Princes, easily recognized by its octagonal floor and cupola designed by Buontalenti.

The last part of the chapels is the New Sacristy, designed by Michelangelo himself and built at the start of the 16th century.

This is the burial ground for one of the most famous members of the family, Lorenzo the Magnificent, whose remains are buried under the altar without a grand monumental tomb because Michelagenlo left Florence and never completed his project!

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Tomb by Michelangelo in the New Sacristy

Tomb by Michelangelo in the New Sacristy