
A Medicean Itinerary:

History of the Medici through the Uffizi’s Masterpieces

The Uffizi Gallery is a creation of the Medici family: we owe the construction of the building to Cosimo I in 1560, the creation of the museum to his son Francesco I in 1581 and to the last of the Medici, Anna Maria Luisa, the eternal inheritance of its contents to the Florentine state in 1737. As is to be expected, the display of the works of art within have seen many changes through time, but it is still possible to go back and learn about the family through the extraordinary works of art they commissioned, loved and collected.


  • The museum itinerary should take about 2 hours to complete.
  • The itinerary and the works of art visited serve to recount history and is not meant as a critical analysis of the works examined.

The works of art to visit:

on the second floor:

  • entrance: Empoli, The Wedding of Caterina de’ Medici and The Wedding of Maria de’ Medici
  • Hall 5-6: Gentile da Fabriano, Adoration of the Magi
  • Hall 7: Paolo Uccello, Battle of San Romano
  • Hall 8: Alesso Baldovinetti, Pala of Cafaggiolo; Filippo Lippi, Adoration of the Child of Camaldoli, Pala del Noviziato, Madonna with Child and Angels; Filippino Lippi, Pala degli Otto; Piero della Francesca, Portraits of the Dukes of Urbino
  • Hall 9: Piero del Pollaiolo, Potrait of Galeazzo Maria Sforza
  • Hall 10-14: Botticelli, Primavera, Birth of Venus, Pallade and the Centaur, Adoration of the Magi, Portrait of a Young Man; Hugo van der Goes, Triptych Portinari
  • Hall 19: Luca Signorelli, Madonna Medici
  • Hall 23: Correggio, Madonna Adoring the Child
  • second corridor: Frans Pourbous il Giovane, Portrait of the Queen Maria de’ Medici and King Henry IV
  • eastern corridor: Jean Guignard, Ritratto della regina Caterina de’ Medici
  • Hall 35: Michelangelo, Doni Tondo; Fra’ Bartolomeo, Tabernacle; Francesco Granacci, Stories of Jewish Joseph;Alonso Berruguete, Salomè and Madonna with Child
  • Hall della Niobe: Pietro Paolo Rubens, Henry IV at the Battle of Ivry and Triumphal Entrance of Henry IV into Paris; Giusto Suttermans, Swearing in of the Florentine Senate to Ferdinand II
  • Hall 43: Titian, Venus of Urbino, Portrails of Francesco Maria della Rovere and Eleonora Gonzaga
  • Hall 45: Annibale Carracci, Venus with Satyr

on the first floor:

  • sale 46-55: foreign artists from the 1600s and 1700s called “painters with fine brushes”
  • Hall 61: Pontormo, Posthumous Portrait of Cosimo il Vecchio and Portrait of Maria Salviati
  • Hall 64: Bronzino, Portraits of Bartolomeo Panciatichi and his wife, Lucrezia
  • Hall 65: Bronzino, Portraits of Eleonora di Toledo with son Giovanni, of Cosimo I, of Maria, of Francesco, of Bia, of Giovanni and of the Morgant Dwarf
  • Hall 66: Raphael, Portrait of Pope Giulius II, Portrait of Pope Leon X with Cardinals Giulio de’ Medici and Luigi de’ Rossi
  • Hall 90: Caravaggio, Shield with Medusa’s Head and Bacchus

The entire itinerary is only in Italian at the moment – stay tuned and we’ll publish the translation soon!